I had a pretty good weekend as far as food intake goes. I'm not doing near as well on the exercise. I haven't been out for a run since Friday...again.
Sunday night my wife and I spent the evening at Emerald City Market in Manhattan for one of their cooking classes. The theme this time was Gourmet Comfort Foods. Not everything was low-cal but everything was scrumptious. I didn't bother keeping track of the calories because (1) I wouldn't enjoy it as much if I was worrying about that the calories whole time; (2) with the variety of food, it would be too time consuming trying to find the foods in the database or at least something close to it and (3) since I knew ahead of time about the evening would entail, I could go easier on breakfast (which didn't go exactly as planned) and lunch. I made sure to drink water throughout the day as well so while I was hungry come dinner time, I wasn't starving and really enjoyed the evening with my wife and the awesome staff at Emerald City Market.
I admit that I hopped on the scale this morning to see the damage done and was surprised to see I weighed even less than my Saturday weight.
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